Nice places in Nijmegen
De Grote Broek
Squat consisting of:

Restaurant & bookstore De Klinker
Van Broeckhuysenstraat 46
6511 PK Nijmegen, NL
* Cheap vegatarian or veganistic and mostly biological food & drinks!
* Left wing & political literature and activities!
* Wednesday 18.30: food for only €1,- & 20.00: film or info for free!

Bar / Podium De Onderbroek
Tweede Walstraat 21
6511 LN Nijmegen, NL
* Underground conserts & parties, cheap entrance & drinks!
VoKo, saturday 12.00-14.00
Same adres as De Onderbroek
* Cheap biological groceries!
Same adres as De Onderbroek
*Extrapool's store with freaky artstuff
Sadly on 15 november 2005 human-rights activist and Grote Broek-friend Louis Sévèke was murdered. Once more I send my heartfelt condoleance to his framilie and friends. If you you have information that might help understand what happened, please send an email to
Squat consisting of:

Restaurant & bookstore De Klinker
Van Broeckhuysenstraat 46
6511 PK Nijmegen, NL
* Cheap vegatarian or veganistic and mostly biological food & drinks!
* Left wing & political literature and activities!
* Wednesday 18.30: food for only €1,- & 20.00: film or info for free!

Bar / Podium De Onderbroek
Tweede Walstraat 21
6511 LN Nijmegen, NL
* Underground conserts & parties, cheap entrance & drinks!
VoKo, saturday 12.00-14.00
Same adres as De Onderbroek
* Cheap biological groceries!
Same adres as De Onderbroek
*Extrapool's store with freaky artstuff
Sadly on 15 november 2005 human-rights activist and Grote Broek-friend Louis Sévèke was murdered. Once more I send my heartfelt condoleance to his framilie and friends. If you you have information that might help understand what happened, please send an email to
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